
  1. Docx Viewer
  2. Docx File

Free DOCX viewer software is a robust utility designed to view & open corrupt and damaged DOCX files.Users can view all the components of Word file in their original form and format. The DOCX reader software only removes the corruption and keeps all Word file items unaltered alongwith following: Pictures, Online Picture. The DOCX file type is primarily associated with Word by Microsoft Corporation. Office Word is an authoring program that gives you the ability to create and share documents using a set of writing tools. A DOCX file is a Microsoft Word Open XML Format Document file. Open with Word, Word Online, Google Docs, or some other word processor. Convert one to PDF, DOC, JPG, etc. With those same programs or a converter like FileZigZag. A DOCX file is a document created by Microsoft Word or another word processing program, such as OpenOffice Writer or Apple Pages. It contains formatted text and may also include images, tables, charts, and other document elements. Word Office - Docx, Excel, Slide, PDF Edit & View has the ability to convert files.docx to pdf reader. The word office app supports a number of types such as.docx, word, pptx, txt amongst others.

Docx Viewer

Docx to pdf

Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS. Works for Node and on the Browser.


Here are examples of docx being used with basic HTML/JS in a browser environment:

Here is an example of docx working in Angular:

Docx File

Here is an example of docx working in React:

  • (adding images to Word Document)

Here is an example of docx working in Vue.js:



Press endpoint on the RunKit website:

  • - Simple paragraph and text
  • - Advanced Paragraphs and text
  • - Bullet points
  • - Simple table
  • - Images
  • - Margins
  • - Landscape
  • - Header and Footer
  • - My CV generated with docx

More here

Please refer to the documentation at for details on how to use this library, examples and much more!

Check the demo folder for examples.

Read the contribution guidelines here.

...and many more!

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