LibreOffice 7.1.2

Download LibreOffice

  1. Libreoffice 7.1.2
  2. Libreoffice 7.1 Ubuntu 20.04
  3. Libreoffice

De Document Foundation heeft versie 7.1.2 van LibreOffice uitgebracht. Dit opensource-officepakket is ontstaan als afsplitsing van OpenOffice en wordt geleverd met tekstverwerker Writer. LibreOffice-6.2.8en-USxz.sfs, 187M: MD5: 937913cc4d795672e6b80a SHA1: a550c1fc7db3f4ecabbed72f8ed3bd9f65a8c477 SHA256. and The Document Foundation are proud to announce the release of LibreOffice Portable Fresh 7.1.2. LibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite - including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database - packaged as a portable app, so you can take all your documents and office suite wherever you go.

Ideal for home users, students and non-profits

Choose your operating system:Linux (64-bit) (deb)
Linux (64-bit) (rpm)
macOS (64-bit)
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
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Libreoffice 7.1 ubuntu 20.04

Libreoffice 7.1.2

If you're a technology enthusiast, early adopter or power user, this version is for you!LibreOffice release notes

Slingplayer for mac desktop. Supplementary Downloads:

LibreOffice 7.1.2
Choose your operating system:Linux (64-bit) (deb)
Linux (64-bit) (rpm)
macOS (64-bit)
Windows (32-bit)
Windows (64-bit)
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This version is slightly older and does not have the latest features, but it has been tested for longer. For business deployments, we strongly recommend support from certified partners which also offer long-term support versions of LibreOffice.LibreOffice release notes

Supplementary Downloads:

No download is available for the requested version 7.1.2.

Please pick one of the available verions below.
You can find obsolete versions in our downloadarchive

Libreoffice 7.1 Ubuntu 20.04

Available Versions

LibreOffice is available in the following released versions:

LibreOffice is available in the following prerelease versions:
Psb online for mac.

Install libreoffice 7.1 ubuntu 20.04

Older versions of LibreOffice (no longer updated!) are available in the archive


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Business users: click here
LibreOffice for Android and iOS
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Development versions
Portable versions & DVD images
LibreOffice as Flatpak
LibreOffice as Snap
LibreOffice as AppImage
LibreOffice via Chocolatey