Wp Shop

  1. Wordpress Shop Page
  2. Shop Wordpress
  3. Wp Shopify
  4. Wp Shop Plugin

A premium Mexican shop selling women's shoes and leather accessories. Built using the Neve theme, the site has a dedicated Offers section, a wishlist and offers a smooth shopping experience for customers. The luxury design and unique selection of products will make you feel 'special'. Shop Page WP - Affliliate shop page for your blog Your New Blog Shop Page A free WordPress plugin to create a simple and powerful affiliate shop page on your website. Premium WordPress plugins for only 5 € or even cheaper with our package deals! Including Yoast SEO Premium, WooCommerce plugins and ACF Pro! WP Standard offers a wide selection of full grain leather goods and leather accessories. Free Shipping on orders $75+. Browse our selection today.

Hey there!

We're excited to help. What do you need?

Plugin Support

Solutions to the most common plugin issues (including syncing problems) can be found in our extensive plugin documentation.

If you need more help, we have a private Slack channel for Pro customers only. We're online M-F 9am-4pm CST to help solve any issues you have.

Everything else

Have a general plugin question? Send us an email at hello@wpshop.io

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Common questions

You can think of WordPress as the frontend and Shopify as the backend. You still manage your store (add products, change prices, etc) from within Shopify and those changes automatically sync with WordPress. WP Shopify also allows you to sell your products on WordPress and is bundled with its own cart experience.
After installing the plugin you can connect your Shopify store to WordPress by filling in a few form fields containing your Shopify API keys. View our tutorial video here.

After syncing, you can display / sell your products in various ways such as:

  1. Using the default pages “yourwordpresspage.com/products” and “yourwordpresspage.com/collections“
  2. Programmatically through the plugin’s Render API
You can also optionally create product and collection single pages by syncing your store. This enables you to harness the full power of the vast WordPress plugin ecosystem.
Absolutely! View the sites currently using WP Shopify.

Definitely. We have a free version of WP Shopify that you can download here. If you have any questions about the plugin, please ask us!

Yes you need a Shopify store before using this plugin.

However you can use the cheaper $9 Lite plan as well. In fact, this is our recommended Shopify plan if you intend to only sell on WordPress. All of our plugin features will work with Shopify Lite. This is a great option if want to save money.

If you’re not ready yet, Shopify also provides a free 14 day free trial.

WP Shopify does not handle any portion of the Shopify checkout process. When a customer clicks the checkout button within the cart, they’re redirected to the default Shopify checkout page to finish the process.
More information on the Shopify checkout process can be found here.

You do not! Everything will work out of the box. However, if you wish to do medium to large customizations then you’ll need to know basic CSS and PHP.

Does this install Shopify functionality into WordPress?
WP Shopify will not sync over any custom functionality that you may be using via Shopify apps. An integration with these apps is something we’re looking into for a future update.

The plugin does provide a built-in cart experience and will send users to the default Shopify checkout page during checkout.

We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that we’ve conformed to all SEO best practices including: semantic alt text, Structured Data, and indexable content.

No more moving content between sites using file-based imports and exports! Now everything is a simple click away.

Grid view displays thumbnail images of all your layouts, making it much easier to find the one you’re looking for.

Your layouts will look exactly the same on any website with images and CSS preserved with the export.

Your WP Layouts account comes with over 20 free layouts. Lots more premium layouts coming soon to buy directly from the library.

Stop wasting time importing, exporting, sorting, digging through, and organizing JSON files on your hard drive or in the cloud.

WP Layouts is by far the best way to organize, import, and export your layouts,
especially if you have multiple websites.

Wordpress Shop Page

One click package themes, settings, pages, layouts

Impressive layouts that will take your websites
to the Next Level

Wp Shop

Get immediate access to over 20 top-notch layouts included in your WP layout account!

Our dedicated, full-time support staff is here to help if you run into any problems or have any questions.
Our fast, knowledgeable service is one of the reasons our customers love us.

WP Layouts Will Change the Way You Use Layouts Forever


WP Layouts happened entirely by accident.

You see, we built WP Layouts to solve our own pain points.

We were tired of the time it took importing, exporting and storing layouts the old way and frankly, we’d rather spend our time doing other things like building new layouts.


We knew there had to be a better, more efficient workflow so we created it!

Since then, WP Layouts has revolutionized the process for our team so much that there’s NO WAY we’ll ever go back. And we’re positive that once you try it, you’ll never want to go back either.

So what were our pain points?

  • The Old Way Was Too Slow

One of the main advantages to building with layouts is that it’s so much faster than starting from scratch. But it was never quite as fast as we wanted it to be.

  • Our Layouts Didn’t Follow Us From Site to Site

Even the super-useful Divi Library has limitations. The Divi Library makes life a lot easier for website creators because it allows you to save layouts you’ve already created — or layouts you’ve bought — for easy access when you’re building the other pages on your site. This way, you only have to upload it once, and it’s available every time you want to use it to create another page or another module on the same website.

The problem is your layouts don’t follow you from site to site. So if you’ve got a personal collection of layouts that you use over and over to build websites, you need to upload them to each website individually.

  • Digging Through External Stored Files

Having to upload to each website each time meant going through multiple steps, including finding the right layout either on your hard drive or in a folder somewhere in the cloud, like in Dropbox or Google Drive. Depending on how many layouts you have — and if you make websites for a living, you probably have a LOT of them, like we do — this in itself can be a source of frustration.

  • The Import/Export Process Was Crashing Our Server

The breaking point came when the process of importing layouts started crashing our, and our clients websites. For a while, every time we imported a layout, the site went down. To say this was extremely frustrating is an understatement.

But there was a silver lining to our pain.

Out of necessity, we took a look at the existing process of importing and exporting layouts, and found much to be desired. So our developers got to work building a better import/export protocol — again, for our own use, just so OUR SITE WOULD STOP CRASHING.

But our developers, being the clever bunch they are, realized there was so much more we could do with the import/export process beyond just making it more stable.

If we were going to invest time and energy into changing the way the process worked, we might as well go all the way and create a system that would really make our work easier and our lives better.

So we thought:

  • Why not have our own cloud storage specifically designed for storing and organizing layouts?
  • And why not make it easy to organize, and even easier to search by including thumbnail images?
  • And why not integrate it directly into the WordPress Dashboard and the most popular WordPress builders (i.e., Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor, and Beaver Builder)?
  • And why not make it super simple and easy to save your current page layout, a section of the page — or even child theme – directly to your library, complete with all content, css and php files?
  • Hell, why not just cut out every intermediate step and make it so easy that all you have to do is click a button, and you can import or export a layout to or from your website?

So that’s what we did.

Shop Wordpress

And it was everything we hoped it could be, and more. It validated the feeling we always had that there was something that just wasn’t quite right about the old way.

In fact, everything that was wrong with the old way was now painfully obvious, because we had made something that was so much better.

It didn’t take long for us to realize this wasn’t just better for us, it was BETTER FOR EVERYONE. We saw pretty much right away that this was how everybody should be storing, importing, and exporting their layouts.

So we made it available to everyone. And that’s how WP Layouts was born.

But wait…there’s more! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist :))

Our layouts are some of our most popular products. And there’s a good reason for that. I say this a lot, and I genuinely mean it: I would put our team of developers and designers up against any team in the world.

Using the layouts that our team creates, you can make websites that will absolutely knock people’s socks off.

So we’ve included a whole bunch of them for free, and made the rest of our layouts available for purchase directly from your library with a single click.

Wp shopify pro

This is great if you’re a developer or designer who is just starting to branch out into making websites for a living, because it will immediately give you a fantastic library of layouts to build off of. And as you create your own dynamite layouts, you can save those in your WP Layouts library as well. So you’ll always have super convenient, one-click access to all of your favorite layouts, whether you made them yourself or got them from somewhere else.

It’s also great if you’re a developer or designer with a little more professional experience under your belt, and you could use a few fresh new designs in your arsenal.

In fact, we believe anybody creating websites should have these layouts at their disposal. We think you’ll end up coming back to them over and over again.

So when you take everything together:

  • The enhanced stability (no more crashes!)
  • The super-streamlined one-click import / export process
  • The intuitive, easy to navigate library with categories, thumbnails, and search functionality
  • The free collection of amazing layouts, with easy access to a treasure trove of some of the best premium layouts on the web
  • The award-winning 5-star customer support that’s helped make WP Layouts so popular with WordPress users

…we truly believe that we’ve created the ultimate plugin for importing/exporting, storing, and managing your layouts. Use it for two weeks (heck, even ONE DAY), and you won’t even be able to imagine going back to the “old way.” I guarantee it.

One of the things that makes WordPress special is the community of developers, designers, WordPress business owners, and everyone else who uses the platform, whether it’s for business, hobby, or other personal use.

And one of our guiding principles is that we want to contribute to this community in ways that helps everyone do what they do, and do it better.

And that’s equally true for WP Layouts. We only want your money if you agree that WP Layouts is a vast improvement over the “old way.” Which is why we’re offering the same no-questions asked refund policy that covers all our products.

Wp Shopify

We’re EXTREMELY confident that you’re going to absolutely love WP Layouts, and find that the value it provides is many times what you’re paying for it.

But if for any reason it doesn’t meet your expectations, just email us within 14 days of purchase, and we’ll give you a full 100% REFUND. It’s that simple.

Wp Shop Plugin

We back our products with this iron-clad guarantee because we believe in all of them. And we’re confident you’re going to be a true believer too as soon as you get a chance to use WP Layouts.

Thanks for being part of the community,

WP Layouts Team.

P.S. Sorry for the long introduction. People tell me all the time that I talk too much ;). But I wanted to make it clear how excited I am for you to start using WP Layouts, because I know what a difference it’s going to make for you. Thanks again, and drop us a line sometime and let us know what you think about the “new way”!